

Check out the following links for important 正规赌博十大网站 information

Black 历史 Month Upcoming Event
毕业申请 Deadline


Black 历史 Month Trivia with MOCSI

每年二月, we celebrate Black 历史 Month, recognizing and honoring the invaluable contributions of African Americans to the rich tapestry of American history. This observance also sheds light on the enduring struggles for Freedom, 平等, and Equity faced by the African American community. 的 impact of this history resonates in contemporary America, influencing discussions on race and confronting issues of racism. 在这持续的旅程中, Rochester Community and Technical College remains dedicated to fostering a secure and inclusive environment while providing pathways to academic success for all.

In celebration of Black 历史 Month, let us join together and attend the upcoming 学生生活事件!


  • Time/Date: Tuesday, February 13th 从12:00pm-1:00pm
  • 地点:3rd 楼自助餐厅
  • Event Description: 学生生活 will be collaborating with Men of Color Scholars Initiative (MOCSI) to host a Black 历史 Month Trivia game. We will be providing free food at this event for the students that attend.


  • Time/Date: Tuesday, February 20th 从12:00pm-2:30pm
  • 位置:CF 206/208
  • Event Description: 学生生活 will be showing the movie Just Mercy to celebrate Black 历史 Month. Free snacks and beverages will be provided for the students that attend.

Common Read Author Visit with Erin Sharkey 

  • Time and Date: Wednesday February 21st 11am-12pm
  • 地点:希尔剧院
  • Event Description: Erin Sharkey author of “Breath: A Meditation in Uprising” featured essay in the common read “We Are Meant to Rise will be on campus to share about their lived experiences with intersecting identities, the inspiration behind their essay, 以及他们目前的工作.

Black 历史 Month Painting with a Twist

  • Time/Date: Tuesday, February 27th at 2:00pm
  • 地点:美术室
  • Event Description: For this event 学生生活 will be collaborating with the Art Club and MOCSI to celebrate Black 历史 Month by painting canvases of influential Black Americans. We will be providing free snacks and beverages for the students that attend.

For more monthly updates of events and activities please visit the 学生生活网站.  



2024年春天 毕业申请 Deadline is February 22, 2024 and summer graduation deadline is March 22, 2024. Students seeking to graduate should complete the application and attach a DARS audit that reads “All requirements complete” before submitting it to the Records and Registration Office 进行处理.

请点击链接进入 毕业申请.

If your audit states that you are missing a requirement, please meet with your 顾问或辅导员 as soon as possible by calling, 507-285-7260, or online at AdvisorVue.



正规赌博十大网站 has two on-campus food pantries; one on Main Campus and one at Heintz Center. 全年, hundreds of students at 正规赌博十大网站 visit the 蜂巢供应 to pick up perishable and non-perishable foods, 学校用品 and hygiene products. This resource is free to all current students.

它是如何工作的?? 学生进入 蜂巢供应, fill up a bag with up to 15 items, and then swipe their student ID on the way out. Swiping your ID helps us track 有多少 students utilize this resource.

For current 蜂巢供应 hours please visit the 蜂巢供应网页. Hours are subject to change throughout the week.

有兴趣捐赠? 携带不易腐烂的食物, 学校用品, or hygiene products to C407 or drop them in a 蜂巢供应 donation bin located at Heintz Center.



学习中心 provides FREE tutoring for all 正规赌博十大网站 and WSU-R students to help them build the skills and confidence needed to be successful in their coursework and reach their academic goals.

Our tutors are specialists in their content areas and are eager to help you.

2024年春季学期 学习中心 will be open for both in-person and online tutoring. 的re are many different options for getting help: drop-in help, scheduled appointments with a tutor, email questions and essay reviews, 安排工作空间. 查看我们的 网站 for hours and services and find what is best for you.
