Policy: Tuition and Fees (5.11.1)

See PDF copy of the policy.


第1部分. 定义: Rochester Community and Technical College will implement a general and course fee schedule which will be reviewed annually by the college.

The Rochester Community and Technical College Center for Business and 员工教育 will build any fees into the pricing structure of credit and non-credit course work and will implement a fee policy as outlined below.

部分一个. Rochester Community and Technical College shall assess a one-time $20 application fee* to all credit-seeking applicants. The fee is payable at the time of application. The application fee will be non-refundable except when the college denies enrollment due to college-determined program/course size limitations or program closure. Rochester Community and Technical College shall not assess the application fee to those students only attending non-credit workshops, 研讨会, non-credit continuing education classes, or hourly customized training courses.

B部分. Fees for credit bearing Continuing Education/Customized Training classes will be assessed the same student, 技术, and other general fees as those classes initialized and matriculated through the academic unit of the campus. Exception can be made in cases where the course is delivered on-site at a contracting agency and/or when the students served do not participate in or have allowable access to campus resources (e.g. students from the Federal Medical Center). Textbooks or student instructional guides are billable items and not included in the registration fee for any class.

部分C. Any student or campus fees for non-credit classes (技术, 停车, or other) will be included in the price of registration. Exceptions to this policy may be textbooks and/or other significant course materials utilized in the course delivery process.

部分D. 停车费, 技术支持, 视听的支持, 复制, desktop publishing and/or staff support costs which are directly associated with Rochester Community and Technical College sponsored or co-sponsored events are accumulated by the supporting division and payable to that division in the form of an internal transfer. Frequency of fund transfers are made annually unless otherwise agreed upon by division directors.

第2部分. Payment of Tuition and Fees: After completing registration in the Admissions and Records Office or on line, all students should make arrangements for payment of tuition and fees.   Payments are due 30 days prior to the beginning of the academic term or at the time of registration if registration is within 30 days of the academic term.  See web portal for payment options or approved deferment options.

第3部分. 滞纳金: Tuition and fees paid after the deadline will be assessed a late fee of $50.

第4部分. 付款计划费用: 代替利息, a $30 payment plan fee may be assessed to students who elect to pay tuition after the tuition due date or over the course of a semester.

Date of Implementation: Fall Semester 2006
Date of Adoption: 6/9/97

Revisions Adopted: Fall, 2003, 1月23日, 2007; Late Fee Payment modified to $30 (5/21/2012); Late and Payment Fees modified to align with system (9/26/18)

 *请注意, 此时此刻, 正规赌博十大网站 is not requiring the $20 application fee for credit-seeking applicants.